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It was a pivotal moment for my career. It's true that I have become more official in my customization, but I feel even better now that I am being accepted by the industry. Personalization is becoming more popular with luxury brands. Rolls-Royce, Ferrari and Land Rover are all doing it. As history has shown, the automotive industry is the leader in luxury. A few years back, it was said that luxury was no longer relevant and that bespoke was the way to go. But, now, both are essential. This is not just a trendy word. Personalization is a must if you want to be considered luxury. Cartier and Jaeger-LeCoultre are the first to address it, but other brands have caught up. Huntsman and other tailors are addressing this issue, but now other brands are catching up.
The Rolex Replica spirit is not diluted because we now work directly with LVMH. You asked me about a year ago if I still considered myself punk. You can see on our Instagram that we're still doing crazy stuff and pushing boundaries. But I believe we would be better off working within the industry than outside. The number one benefit is that I have access to parts and services. I also know what products they will be releasing so I can plan and start working on them from the very beginning.
The life of a legit is good, right?
I've been doing this since 14 years and I don’t want to be left out in the cold any longer. I believe that the art of customization will grow and in five years every brand will offer a personalizing replica watches It's about my future. The writing was on the wall, and I thought to myself "Do you really want to help? Or do you just want to dig your heels in?". I started to look backwards and that's not how I do things. I always want to move forward. Everyone was copying each other in the world that I lived in. It was a kind of bastardization. I knew that things needed to change.
Rolex Replica teamed up with LVMH because it was the best group to work with.
Now we are working with some of best companies in the world. TAG Heuer's people make me go "WOW!" Zenith is a new dynamic team led by an incredible person. In a meeting, I feel like I'm sitting next to my idols and pin-ups. But they listen to me, offer advice, and give me their opinions. They accept me and this is something I've never experienced before. We are getting calls from other brands to discuss what Rolex Replica can offer them. Last year we received Christmas cards for many of these brands, which is unprecedented.
Why did the watch industry scream against Rolex Replica so long?
I don't really know. I'm certain we've offended people, but not intentionally. We looked at Bentley and Nike iD as models for our business from the start. I believe we reached a point where we were able to make our name synonymous with bespoke watches. Perhaps it was our rapid growth?
Jean-Claude Biver is a dynamo who has moved the needle in our business. I'm so happy with where we are today. Jean-Claude Biver has helped me make new business contacts, such as Beretta.Richard Mille Replica Watches Franco Gussalli Beretta is the president of the 500 year old gun-making company. I have known him for five years. But to be able to work with Franco was a great opportunity. Bergeon recently reposted an image of Rolex Replica - it used to be difficult to get them supply Rolex Replica with the tools they needed.