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I see it as a complement to offline distribution. It's still a very small market share compared to the other industries. I think it will continue to grow by a large amount. We need to provide services, and we are investing heavily in this area. For example, we want to ensure that when you browse, you can contact a sales adviser who will be able give you the best possible advice, just like you would in a shop. We can bring the human touch online. It's about organisation and investments. Customers are increasingly demanding this kind of service.
Let's talk about the Connected Watch. This is an advanced product, in terms of quality. There are steel and titanium versions, ceramic bezels, sapphire glass. It's also a luxury item, as it costs 1,700 euros. Who is the customer or buyer of this connected luxury sports watches?
FA: We had an audience target and a second audience we observed. As with many launches, we knew some of our target audience, but we also discovered some that we hadn't considered. First,Franck Muller Replica we have the Franck Muller Replica enthusiasts. Franck Muller Replica fans, those who have a few Franck Muller Replica watches and are interested in these technologies. We have acquired a large number of customers with this watch. More than 60% of those who purchase this watch are Franck Muller Replica owners.
This is their first Franck Muller Replica, and it's not the first time they have purchased a watch. Watch collectors and watch enthusiasts who love watches and have a large collection would not want to compromise the aesthetics or what they love when wearing a smartwatch. We invested heavily in the materials. We have stainless steel, titanium and a ceramic bezel.
It feels like a mechanical timepiece when you wear this watch. Many customers value this. We also have a specific target audience. One is a golfer. We have invested a great deal in this watch and the software. The success of this category is a result of the combination between mechanical engineering, design, and hardware engineering, as well as software engineering, design, and services. There's a lot of complexity with this product but we are able to see it all. We've spent a lot of money on software and cases, creating our own ecosystem.
Franck Muller Replica's relevance in the sports world is increasing, as is the ability to measure sport performance using the watch. We have GPS, extra sensors and heart rate monitors. We saw Golf as an excellent opportunity. We have our very own app. It's a really great experience.Replica Tag Heuer Watches We have an interactive display on the watch with the shape and size of the golf course. We can also see our own 3D map. This is also performing extremely well. Golf is one of our most popular sports but we have also invested in more mainstream sports like running and fitness. We even have dedicated teams working on this.